
Invisalign Near Me

“My Dentist Told Me I Couldn’t Have Invisalign”: Busting the Myths about Invisalign

Almost every day I meet someone who says “I’d love to have Invisalign®, but my dentist said I didn’t qualify” or “My friend had Invisalign and said it doesn’t work.” And every time I get to tell them that EVERYONE can choose Invisalign for their orthodontic treatment if that is what they prefer. So why

“My Dentist Told Me I Couldn’t Have Invisalign”: Busting the Myths about Invisalign Read More »

Invisalign Near Me

The Best Kept Secret in Orthodontics – Hidden Lingual Braces

Did you know that you can straighten your teeth invisibly with no aligners to remove or anything covering up your smile? It’s true with lingual braces – the best kept secret in orthodontics. Getting a better smile can be your secret with braces that are hidden on the back of your teeth (best known as lingual braces

The Best Kept Secret in Orthodontics – Hidden Lingual Braces Read More »

Invisalign Near Me

“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile”: The Science Behind Your Smile Part 6

What if smiling, if even you weren’t happy, could make you feel better?  For psychologists, this is called the “facial feedback” hypothesis [1].  To test whether smiling can make you feel happier, researchers conducted an experiment where the participants were asked to hold a pencil in their mouths while watching a series of positive and

“You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile”: The Science Behind Your Smile Part 6 Read More »

Invisalign Near Me

Does Smiling Create Happiness? – The Science Behind Your Smile Part 5

“SOMETIMES YOUR JOY IS THE SOURCE OF YOUR SMILE, BUT SOMETIMES YOUR SMILE CAN BE THE SOURCE OF YOUR JOY.” – THICH NHAT HANH If an authentic (Duchenne) smile is caused by feeling happiness and joy, can smiling alone create these same good emotions in the brain? Paul Ekman joined with Richard Davidson, one of the world’s experts on the

Does Smiling Create Happiness? – The Science Behind Your Smile Part 5 Read More »

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