The Best Kept Secret in Orthodontics – Hidden Lingual Braces

Did you know that you can straighten your teeth invisibly with no aligners to remove or anything covering up your smile? It’s true with lingual braces – the best kept secret in orthodontics.

Getting a better smile can be your secret with braces that are hidden on the back of your teeth (best known as lingual braces since they are attached to the tongue side of your teeth). You probably know about clear ceramic braces and Invisalign®. But you might be wondering how you are going to fit either option into your life. Will you have spinach in your braces at a business lunch? Or you may wonder how to discreetly remove your aligners on a dinner date. Will you be disciplined enough to wear your aligners? With completely invisible lingual braces, your braces are your secret – no one has to know and they won’t interfere with your busy life.

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I meet people all the time who are afraid to even think about orthodontic treatment because they are sure they will have to look like a kid in middle school. And it just isn’t true. It is totally possible to straighten your teeth and have no one know.

Heather came to see me, absolutely determined to have completely invisible treatment. She had wanted veneers, but found out her teeth were too crowded and her bite too far off for that to be an option. She chose lingual braces and never told anyone she had braces at all! No one ever knew. Friends knew she looked better, but no one knew why. She said “They would ask me if had a new haircut, changed my makeup, or even lost weight. And they told me I looked great! They just didn’t realize it was my smile.” So you really can be like Heather and straighten your teeth with no one knowing. All your friends and colleagues will know is that you look and feel great!

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