6 Common Orthodontic Mistakes That You Should Avoid Using Invisalign

Congrats! You just started your Invisalign treatment in Columbia, kickstarting your journey to better teeth and a beautiful smile. Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that people get in order to fix teeth alignment issues. The treatment is to be followed properly in order to achieve effective results. There are the most common orthodontic mistakes that should avoid during Invisalign treatment.

That being said, the results of Invisalign will vary depending on how much discipline the patient has. You can get Invisalign, but if you don’t wear them enough or don’t take good care of them, then the results are not going to be as you expect.

If you commit a tiny mistake during your Invisalign treatment process, that’s alright as long as you do your best not to do it again. Otherwise, neglecting to take good care of your Invisalign aligners may lead to an expensive mistake.

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common orthodontic mistakes

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign is a modern alternative to the traditional metal braces treatment, so there’s going to be some slight difference between the two. If you understand how metal braces work, then you’re going to have an easier time comprehending Invisalign.

Basically, Invisalign is recommended by orthodontists to treat a number of teeth misalignment issues. However, instead of using wires and brackets as traditional metal braces do, Invisalign uses clear aligner trays that are molded to fit into the shape of the patient’s teeth.

The aligners are shaped precisely to fit over the patient’s teeth in order to shift them into their ideal positions slowly. Then, instead of coming back to the orthodontist for some readjustment of wires, the patient is simply given another set of clear aligners that they have to wear to continue with the treatment’s progress. The Invisalign treatment is fairly easy and simple. The hard part comes in the discipline of the patient. 

Here are six common orthodontic mistakes that patients undergoing Invisalign treatment.

Drinking or Eating While Wearing Aligners

Your orthodontist will remind you to remove your aligner trays before you eat or drink, and we will remind you too. Sometimes the patient will forget to take off their aligners before eating, and this can ultimately damage the trays.

Additionally, the food and drink can stain the aligner trays and even harbor bacteria which can lead to plaque buildup, damaging your teeth’s enamel.
You must always take off your trays no matter what kind of food you’re consuming. The cost of getting your aligners replaced is not that cheap, too.

Forgetting to Clean Aligners

Another common mistake Invisalign users make is not remembering to clean their aligners. If your trays are not cleaned regularly, then you’re putting yourself at a higher risk of developing oral health problems. 

Bacteria spread easily, so it’s important to stay ahead and clean them regularly. They can also develop in your trays while you’re asleep. The recommended action to do is to clean your aligners and brush your teeth right after you wake up. Don’t forget to rinse the aligners with the appropriate cleaning solution to get rid of any bacteria that weren’t removed during the first cleanse.

Not Storing the Aligners Properly

It can be tempting to just leave your trays out in the open. However, that is a big no-no. Don’t store your trays just anywhere, and use the designated case they come with. Leaving your aligners out in the open makes them more exposed to bacteria buildup. 

By storing them in their case when not in use, you’ll decrease the chance of getting bacteria, and you won’t easily misplace them. Additionally, the case protects the aligner trays from getting physically damaged.

Not Wearing the Aligners Long Enough

Your orthodontist will recommend you wear your aligners for 22 hours in order for the treatment to reach its maximum effect. It can be tempting to remove the trays when you don’t feel like it, but that will just prolong the treatment duration.

Only remove your aligners while you’re eating, drinking, or cleaning your teeth. If you want to finish your Invisalign treatment faster, then the trays should stay on for the majority of the day. If you don’t wear your aligners long enough, then there may be a tendency for your teeth to shift back into their old place, therefore making the treatment counterproductive.

Using Toothpaste to Clean the Aligners

We have mentioned that cleaning your aligner trays regularly is important. However, you shouldn’t use toothpaste to clean them. It’s called “toothpaste” for a reason, they’re for your teeth.

Using toothpaste can cause discoloration in your trays. You want to use the correct cleaning solution for your aligners so that they don’t get damaged. People choose Invisalign over other types of braces because of how virtually invisible they look. The discoloration can make it obvious that you’re wearing them.

Not Following Your Orthodontist’s Advice

This is an obvious one, but still, there are patients that commit this mistake. Your orthodontist in Columbia SC knows better than you, so you have to trust their advice and follow it religiously. Ignoring their advice can hinder the treatment process and not give you the results you want. 

If they schedule an appointment with you, then you have to visit them on the said day. Remember that these professionals also want what’s best for your teeth, so you must follow what advice or recommendation they have for you.

Not Having Realistic Expectations on the Process

Many new patients of Invisalign have an expectation that they’re going to see a noticeable difference immediately. While Invisalign is a much faster treatment compared to traditional braces, it will still take some time for you to notice a huge difference.

Having false expectations can lead to frustration and disappointment, so it’s best to level yourself and be patient. Following your orthodontist’s advice will yield the best results and speed up the treatment process duration.


Invisalign treatment is a great choice for fixing teeth misalignment. Here at Carroll Orthodontics in Columbia, Chapin, and Downtown, South Carolina, our team of well-trained doctors is here for you! Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional metal braces.

For more questions, you can contact us or send us a message, or if you want to schedule a consultation regarding your aligners, then you can book here!

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